
“You will have to open up his heart for me - is that something you could do, Kate Walker?”
29.10.2014 в 20:09

Потрясно! Спасибо!
29.10.2014 в 22:36

“You will have to open up his heart for me - is that something you could do, Kate Walker?”
Jeri G. Beast, пожалуйста))
30.10.2014 в 10:47

Fire Walk With Me
как кайфово:heart::heart::heart:
30.10.2014 в 11:19

Сдоба, стыдоба и ослики (с)
06.12.2014 в 23:59

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea
the road - one love forever
спасибо! :heart: