In the night change in wind and caught its breathing a light
Hey, Joe!, 1959


@темы: People, Conceptual, Children

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: Conceptual, Children, B&W

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."
You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

tea time

sooner or later one way or another

@темы: Conceptual


by Matthias

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: Nature, Abstract

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: Conceptual


Music is my way of thinking. Music is my way of feelling. ...Music is my heroin.
жизнь не проблема, которую надо решить, а Тайна, которой надо жить
You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: People, Conceptual, B&W

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: Nature, Conceptual, City life

I'm the hero of the story Don't need to be saved


@темы: Children



"Когда ты начинаешь всматриваться в бездну, у тебя чай остывает" (с)
In the night change in wind and caught its breathing a light
Фантастические работы, без фотошопа. Делается вживую, на длинных выдержках затвора. Естестно ночью, в различных, порою неожиданных местах..


Официальный сайт фотографов: LIghtmark

@музыка: Gaia - 4 Elements

@темы: Abstract, Landscape, Conceptual


by equivoque

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."

@темы: Children, B&W, Other



Verba volant, scripta manent


Verba volant, scripta manent

Verba volant, scripta manent

by ennil

You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."
You see and say "Why?", I see and say: "Why not?.."